Friday, July 02, 2004

All ruralites are the same, part II

Another great example NYC provincialism, the NYT today has a story on Kerry's push to attract rural voters. The example of this is his upcoming swing through NE Minnesota and SW Wisconsin. The problem for Kerry, it seems is that "four years ago, George W. Bush won some of his biggest and most decisive margins of victory among rural and small town voters. The problem for the NYT and the author of this story however, is fact checking and history. Cloquet, Minnesota, Independence, Wisconsin and Dubuque, Iowa (three of Kerry's stops on this tour) must be solidly pro-Bush right, after all, they are small midwestern towns (actually, Dubuque hardly qualifies as a small town, but that's another story). Unfortunately for Kerry, all three of these towns are Democratic strongholds, heavy with unionized meat packers and miners along with liberal leaning ag workers. The NYT should tell Kerry he's wasting his trip, as all three of these towns will in all likelihood go 60% for Kerry come November. But then again, its impossible for a Democrat to be working his base in small town America. There is no base there, all small towns are the same, they are all trending Republican, and they all are filled with a backward Republican voting, Jesus worshipping, queer hating working class that at best could be described as "Reagan Democrats," right NYT?